What is Affiliate Or Affiliate Marketing?

Do you want to make money selling products from other companies online? You can do it. And without the need for a large infrastructure or initial investment? You’re in luck; with Affiliate Marketing, you can get it.
Affiliate marketing is an online marketing strategy that is based on the following principle: an advertiser, be it a company or an eCommerce, that pays another company to help them sell and promote their business. And an affiliate who agrees to promote the product or service in exchange for a commission. Advertisers or merchants undertake to deliver creative or advertising corporate material (banners, ads, links) for affiliate marketing to incorporate on their website.
In this post, we will explain perfectly how affiliate marketing works, who manages it, and how technologies they make this collaboration of affiliates (not so much business) on the Network work.
Definition Of Affiliate Marketing Or Affiliates And The Professional Who Manages It
The definition of affiliate marketing is that it is a method to get sales of products and / or services from a web page in exchange for a specific commission.
Affiliate Marketing Manager: It is the person who manages the affiliation channel of a company. Run the affiliate program, follow your goals, and control that proper use is made of business branding.
The worker’s profile does not have specific characteristics, and both marketing people, due to their commercial nature, as professionals in technology or in the digital world, journalism or advertising, or even consultants can appropriately play a role in the end, the important thing is that control various facets and that can guarantee results to the company: the most important thing is sales, analyzing and being aware of the records and conversions and that proper use is made of the brand.
Apart from this, there are two visions (and two parts) to explain:
- An affiliate: You usually have a blog or content page growing in traffic and visits and want to take advantage of it to earn money. You want to monetize your page or blog. Trust that inspires both users and the company with which you affiliate is essential, as well as the selection of products and business relationships you have made since the date the affiliate program begins.
The affiliate makes available its website, advertising space, and the reach and traffic of its website that is channeled to that of the merchant.
- The Company: It aims to multiply the impact of its brand, achieve alternative sales channels, and ultimately increase the chances of selling through the online store. Thanks to an intermediary (which is interesting that it is a related public but somewhat broader or different than the one we usually attract), users and potential customers of our products are obtained. Not only does it do that, but it can achieve a significant increase in leads and registrations and even just quality traffic to the website.
The advertiser pays another company to help them sell and promote their business, especially to sell products in eCommerce. He usually sends banners to the affiliate with attractive designs that redirect to the product or part of the web that he is interested in promoting.
There are also affiliate networks or affiliate service providers (ASPs) that enable technical execution and monitoring to achieve commission billing. Through affiliate links or banners, the advertiser is aware of when a client reaches the affiliate page; When a product is purchased through this link, the merchant pays the agreed commission. Although affiliation is usually done through websites, it can also be done through email marketing campaigns or even social networks.
When Did The Affiliate Marketing Manager Arise?
The main promoter of affiliate marketing was Jeff Bezos, the creator of Amazon. When he launched in 1996 the most recognized e-commerce affiliate program on the web, he integrated it into his page. Later, with the inclusion of Google Adwords and Clickbank, a union between advertisers, blogs, and web pages was achieved for the first time. Affiliate Marketing was born, the advertising of businesses through external pages that redirect to the main brand’s online store.
In mid-2014, the term became very popular, and the jobs related to affiliate marketing grew exponentially, 400 professionals in Spain, so it is evident that the job offers related to this have continued to grow in recent years. Profession.
What Are The Benefits Of Affiliate Or Affiliate Marketing?
- Profitable: The advertiser, usually e-commerce, only pays if the client performs a specific action that interests him. They usually ask for CPC (they pay according to the clicks to certain links), CPL (conversion of the client into a user, either to subscribe, to make a form; that is, to obtain customer data) CPA (it is paid for the conversion of each client), CPM (paid for every thousand impressions) or even revenue share (here commissions already enter).
- Simple Analytics: Affiliate programs can be easily followed through statistics and data with which to perform metrics, comparisons, and studies.
- A Constant Flow Of Income: Even without being behind the computer, being a job that depends on traffic, redirects, and purchases through the Internet, you can make money at any time.
- Safe Work: There is practically no risk, you do not have to invest in some products or services to market, but you “promote” the articles of other companies. In the same way, affiliate-marketing does not pay if the process does not work.
- Simply Sell What Is Related To Your Sector: If it happens that you have a very well-positioned blog about sports, the most logical option is to sell sports products. If you have good content, you can get adequate traffic to channel to the e-commerce with which you maintain affiliation. Do not sell products that have nothing to do with your theme.
How Does Affiliate or Affiliate Marketing Technically Work?
It is based on a well-known but poorly explained technology: “cookies,” which allow the information and data on the internet, in this case, links, and banners, to be appropriately tracked. A cookie is a technology, programming code, with which browsers work to store different sets of data about the behavior and actions of users when browsing the web: from which pages they have visited, the records they have made, passwords saved or the content that has dumped into a virtual shopping cart.
Affiliate marketing uses this technology to remember the link or ad that a visitor clicked to go to another web page. They store the date and time, what types of content and websites the user frequents. It is simple, and this is how it works:
A client arrives at the affiliate’s blog and clicks on a link or banner that takes him to the e-commerce, and if he finally buys or performs the action that the company wants, the process is tracked with the cookie thanks to the CJ – Commission Junction, which contains PID (site identification), AID (ad identifier or specific link) and SID (Shopper ID, transactions are recorded) – which is able to identify the advertiser and assess the amount of the commission for the service.
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