What Is a Domain? How To Choose Your Own Domain That Is The Key To The Success Of Your Shop or Brand

A domain is an online address. You can use your domain to determine where your website or online shop is and to access it. But that’s not the only role of domains. Domain names are actually a way to express your brand and identity. There are a few things to consider when choosing a memorable domain name for your business.
What do customers feel when they hear a domain name?
Do you cover all the products you sell?
Is it possible to reflect SEO keywords and branding in the domain?
Registering a domain is easy, but finding the perfect domain name is surprisingly difficult. So, today I would like to introduce to you how to choose your own domain.
How To Choose The Best Unique Domain
There are some best practices for determining the best domain for your brand.
- Make your domain name short, brandable, and easy to remember
- Avoid hyphens and numbers
- Select the ” .com ” domain
- Check other top-level domains, ” .shop “, etc.
- Include SEO keywords if possible
- Use a domain name generator to get ideas
- Research the desired domain name
Make Your Domain Name Short, Brandable, And Easy To Remember
If you already have your own brand name, consider registering it as your domain name. It’s easier to find online and makes it easier to connect your business to your website. Whatever the name, it’s best to have something that’s easy to remember and type.
- The domain name within 15 characters
- Do not use slang ( use U instead of you, etc.)
- Don’t use words with complex spellings or meanings
For example, the Los Angeles Museum of Art’s online store should also be able to use the domain thelacountymuseumofartstore.org.
But instead, you’re using thelacmastore.org, a short, sweet, easy-to-remember, and easy-to-pronounce domain instead.
Brands like Biko add creative and easy-to-understand elements to their domain names. the domain name will experience the mood they deserve when they visit the page.Ilovebiko. Com
You know. The most important thing is to simplify and brand your domain to make it easier to find online.
Avoid Hyphens And Numbers
People often make typos. This is out of control. However, you can reduce that probability by avoiding hyphens and numbers. For example, using ” 4 ” instead of ” for ” can be annoying to anyone looking for your site.
It’s also important to avoid numbers and hyphens to make your domain name mobile-friendly. When you type a URL on your smartphone, if the numbers and alphabets are mixed, you will have to switch keyboards, which can cause typos and confusion.
Avoid the following:
- Number and word combinations: C00l – D0main. Com
- Hyphen: Cool – Domain. Com
- Abbreviation: Coolest – Domain4u. Com
- Consecutive of same characters: Coolesttopdomain. Com
The exception is when the brand name contains numbers. For example, apparel retailer 3sixteen uses a domain called. This notation is consistent in overall branding, SNS handle names, and merchandising. So in this case, the domain name is differentiated as a brand, so the numbers aren’t an example of annoying users or buyers.3Sixteen. Com
Select a ” .com ” Domain (Don’t Worry If You Can’t Get It)
There is some debate about domain extensions as to which ones will increase traffic. The ” .com ” domain is the most proven and well-received. Used by 78 % of companies. Many smartphones have a ” .com ” key, which makes it easier to enter your domain name.
Check Other Top-Level Domains, ” .Shop “, etc.
There may be cases where the desired domain name cannot be obtained with ” .com “. In that case, let’s calm down first. There are many other top-level domains you can consider besides ” .com “.
- .city A good option for businesses that have a physical store in a particular area. For example, Boston, Tokyo .
- .country Suitable for retailers with a view to the international market.
- .co As an alternative to ” .com “, it can be used globally regardless of language or culture.
- For example, .org nonprofits can be differentiated.
- .shop Clear and concise, it’s a good alternative domain for e-commerce sites.
- .store An option for small business owners and online retailers.
- A good option for .trade wholesalers and B2B companies.
You can also use the top-level domain of your home code. For example, Mumbai’s Shopify merchant Suta uses ” .in ” instead of ” .com “. It’s short and easy to remember, so it doesn’t bother me. In Japan, it is “.jp”.
Include SEO Keywords If Possible
Try using keywords when searching for domain names (only if you think it makes sense). Domain keywords tell search engines information about your website. If your site offers quality content and a good user experience, you may be able to rank higher in Google search results.
It is necessary to devise a combination of brand name and keyword to differentiate it. Start with the major keywords that describe your product and add your company name.
For example, if you are selling apparel, the domain name and the word “apparel” may be a good match. To make an equation, “brand name” + “major keyword” = “domain name”.
- Sunday + apparel = sundayapparel.comSundayapparel . Com
- Diane’s + candles = dianescandles.com Dianescandles . Com /Candlesbydiane . Com
- Cosmik + masks = cosmikmasks.comcosmikmasks . com
Limit the keywords to one or two. Too much will look like spam and will be shunned.
California coffee brand Verve Coffee Roasters is a great example. have selected, which combines brands and major keywords, as a domain that is relevant and easy to remember for site visitors. Vervecoffee. Com
Use a Domain Name Generator To Get Ideas
Sometimes you get stuck in choosing a domain name, right? Get ideas with Shopify’s free domain name generator. If you load the tool and enter English keywords, you will get a popular original domain proposal that can be used for business.
For example, if you want to sell hats in a shop, you now have the following options:
Still don’t think it’s the right domain name? The generator will also show you alternative options.
Research The Desired Domain Name
Once you have an idea for a domain name, check to see if it’s already registered. You can use Shopify’s domain search tool to check the availability of your custom domain. Another common method is to check with WHOIS.
Before deciding on a domain name, it’s also important to make sure that other companies aren’t using the same. There are the following three check methods.
- Trademark Search: USPTO.Gov in the database of trademark registration to search for, it will be examined whether the other companies’ similar name is not registered.
- Check SNS: Search Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and other SNS channels to see if the name is likely to be obtained. It is two birds with one stone because it is also useful when creating an account.
- Google Search: Finally, of course, search Google for the name you want and see if anyone has anything to do with your brand.
If The Domain Name Has Already Been Obtained
Sometimes the best domain name is already registered. In such a case, consider the following measures.
Try To Buy From The Owner
Some people have acquired a domain for the purpose of selling it to other companies in the future. If someone already has the domain you want, contact the owner to negotiate. You can find their contact information in the WHOIS database.
Consider Variations
Brest will also consider a different version of the domain name than the original. You can create different versions of the brand name by changing the combination of words. For example, the domain is used by an IT consultant somewhere, you could try names like or for your illustration business .katysimons. com katysimonsprints. com ksimonsillustrates. com
You can also register a top-level domain based on your business location. It can be city-based ( .nyc .cdmx ) or country-based ( .jp .de ), but it can be expected to have the effect of raising the search ranking of target customers in specific regions in the international market.
If you’re an online retailer, the ” shop ” + “brand name” .com variation is the easiest to derive. For example, Shopify merchant Horne, who sells modern furniture, uses.Shophorme. Com
With the Business Name Generator, you can discover new names that you have never thought of before. When you’re ready, you can search your domain name generator for a new domain name and quickly check for availability.
Try Using Another Top-Level Domain
If the domain name you want isn’t available with a ” .com ” extension, try looking for another top-level domain. Unless your current ” .com ” domain is trademarked or in a similar niche, you may be able to use a trusted top-level domain such as ” .co “, ” .shop “, or ” .biz “.
Check NameStat to see the trend. Choose the domain extension that suits you from among the popular and fast-growing top-level domains.
Check Spamhaus, which analyzes infamous domains, to see which top-level domains to avoid, so choose a trusted domain.
Once you have a great idea, all you have to do is leave the final step in determining your domain.
How To Register a Domain Name
The 2020 year 9 in May when 3 Oku 7,000 There are thousands of domain registration, the growth rate year-on-year 3%, so, is a good idea to leave holding their own domain as soon as possible.
If you’re starting an online shop, buy your domain with your Shopify store rather than looking for an external domain registration site. With the domain name generator, you can find and register your favorite domains with just a few clicks. This saves time when launching the store and speeds up sales.
It doesn’t matter if you’re not ready to register your domain name yet. You can use the automatically generated free domain name ( ○○ .myshopify.com Myshopify . Com). Design your Shopify store first, then buy the best domain names when you’re ready.
Use Domain Names As a Competitive Advantage
Your own domain is more than just a web address. It’s a way to express your brand online. Whether it’s a blog or a product sale, that’s the same.
You don’t have to overuse your head to design the best domain name. Instead, make it simple, easy to remember, and sound good. This will create a sense of professionalism and earn the trust of our customers immediately. As a result, brand awareness and sales will increase.
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