Branded Content: What Is It And How To Do It?

Branded Content is content capable of giving value to the Brand. Find out what it means and how it needs to be done to be truly effective.
Branded Content Marketing is a particular type of marketing capable of proving effective even in an era in which people, increasingly bombarded by advertising, have begun to ignore traditional advertisements. This approach affects how the Brand’s contents are created, packaged, and presented.
In this guide, we will now discover the precise meaning of Branded Content, the peculiar characteristics of the content of this type, and how it must be done to be truly effective.
What is Branded Content, and what is it for
The growing need of companies not to interrupt users’ experiences and conversations with canonical advertisements in order not to be intrusive in their eyes has led to the development of Branded Content.
Specifically, the definition of Branded Content (literally “branded content”) refers to content – informative or entertaining – without an explicit advertising message, produced ad hoc directly or on commission by a Brand, to convey and consolidate the values connected to the Brand and thus increase its Awareness.
Branded Content can take different forms, from textual content for information purposes to emotional videos passing through inquiries. More concretely, it can tell something that can educate people on a specific topic, get them interested in a topic, excite them or entertain them by leveraging empathy. What is essential is that the topic addressed and how it is addressed, for the reasons mentioned above, is consistent with the values and tone of voice of the Brand, as well as with the interests of its audience.
Once produced, this particular type of content is published on the website or on the social channels of the Brand itself, or on a platform created ad hoc by the company.
This factor, in particular, is what distinguishes Branded Content from Native Advertising, which differs from the first precisely in that the content is not published on a channel owned by the Brand but is hosted on an external platform chosen based on its target audience.
The advertising message inserted in the abovementioned content can be more or less explicit, but the promotional intent must be declared and visible in any case.
The advantages of Branded Content
- Ability to be less intrusive and annoying in the eyes of users. If done right, taking part in the conversation, rather than interrupting it with a canonical advertisement, is more profitable for a company. In this way, a brand has a better chance of getting noticed by potential customers more positively;
- bypasses the automatic defense mechanism that people have against advertisements and involves them in a more attractive way than canonical promotional ads, offering them valuable information or engaging and enjoyable experiences;
- Suppose the proposed content is really of quality in the long run. In that case, it may be the people who chase the Brand in search of other exciting content, thus overturning the traditional advertising paradigm.
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