View Saved WiFi Passwords On Android

Seeing the saved WiFi passwords networks on your mobile can be really useful. There are many occasions in which we connect to a wireless network with a really complicated password that we do not remember, and being able to access it through our mobile allows us to share it with our friends in a very simple way.
Imagine that you are far from your router, and a friend asks you for the WiFi password. If you have not changed the default password – something we strongly recommend doing to protect your connection and your data – you will have to go to him to be able to consult the password. On the other hand, if you have access from your mobile phone, you will have to review it to be able to dictate or show it. The same thing happens, for example, with the connection to a bar or restaurant. Instead of having to ask an employee for the password, copy it from your mobile phone.
Android, by default, stores all the passwords that are recorded when connecting to a network. You can realize this by simply seeing that, after ‘remembering’ a password, the device will automatically connect to the network. For that reason, users can consult all these passwords stored on the device.
How to view saved WiFi passwords on Android
Knowing that all passwords are saved in a file on the same device, it would be enough to access said file to check the passwords. Unfortunately, the document cannot be accessed in such a simple way with all the keys.
To be able to consult the WiFi passwords saved on Android, it is necessary to have root access, that is, to have administrator permissions to be able to view the file. If your device is not rooted, you can read another article in which we show you how to root any Android mobile.
In addition to having administrator permissions to access the documents, it will be necessary to use an application to open the said file located in a difficult-to-access area of the terminal. An app that allows you to access this information is WiFi Password. It is a completely free application, so there is no need to worry about having to pay anything for it. It is not the only tool of this type that can be found on Google Play, but they all have the same characteristics.
After installing the application from the official Android application store, the same app will request that root permissions be granted to the files to open the document. After offering you the necessary permissions, the application will display all the WiFi networks that the device has previously connected to, as well as the cracked passwords, so the passwords can be read and used to access other devices.
If you don’t want to have to repeat this process, and you want to avoid having to give an app like WiFi Password access to your device, you can always write the passwords, along with the network name, on a piece of paper or on a note on it.
How to view saved WiFi passwords on Android without root
In order to see the passwords on your mobile, you must have rooted the device. However, suppose you have a computer within reach, with an Internet connection and a USB cable. In that case, you can obtain the saved passwords without having to go through the entire terminal rooting process.
All that is needed is to download the ADB drivers on the computer and connect the device to the computer through the USB port. After you have installed the ADB drivers on your computer, all you have to do is open a command window in the same folder where ADB has been installed. To do this, simply press Shift + Right Click and select CMD or Command Window in the options if done from Windows. In the case of MacOS, all you have to do is run the ADB command in a terminal.
If the device is connected, ensure USB debugging has been enabled in the developer settings. Once this is verified, run the following command:
adb devices
If the computer correctly identifies the device, the terminal information will be displayed in the same command window. Now, instead of accessing the file, what we will do is create a copy of the file on the computer so that it can be accessed with the same file explorer. To achieve this, you will have to execute the following command:
Adb pull /data/misc/WiFi/wpa_supplicant.conf c:/wpa_supplicant.conf
The previous line is the one that indicates that the information will be moved. Adb pull moves the information from the data/misc/WiFi/wpa_supplicant.conf folder to the c:/ folder on the computer. If you want to change the save location, change c:/wpa_supplicant.conf to the desired path, as well as the name of the file with which you want to save the information on the device.
In this way, it is possible to move the file from the device to the computer without the need to have administrator permissions, something that, on the one hand, could make you lose the warranty if your mobile is new.
Now, this whole process will be useless if you have a problem with the device and you have to factory reset it, deleting all the information it has. If this happens, all passwords stored on the device will disappear. But don’t worry; when creating a backup of the device, there is a box where you can select to store the passwords saved on the device. You must go to Settings > System > Device settings > Backup. The device itself will notify you of all the information that will be copied when creating the backup.
With a backup copy of the device, it does not matter what happens to it; having it saved in Google Drive, you only have to restore it to recover all the information that was previously on it.
Also Read : HOW To Use My Wifi To Check Who Is Surfing?