You Can Transfer Your WhatsApp To Another Phone Without Losing Messages In 2021

There are many people to whom Santa Claus will have brought a new mobile and they are like a child with new shoes investigating all the things that his new device is capable of doing. However, one of the biggest headaches for some people when they launch a mobile phone is when they transfer all their data and applications to the new terminal. But if there is something that is really important, it is to transfer WhatsApp from one mobile to another without losing all our messages and conversations.
If you are one of those people who has just launched a mobile phone and you do not dare to install WhatsApp on the new one for fear of losing our messages, we will explain how to do it in a simple way step by step.
How To Transfer WhatsApp From One Mobile To Another Without Losing Messages
Although the messaging app automatically performs a backup every day, the best way to avoid losing any messages from our conversations is to make a backup copy of WhatsApp just before installing the app on the new mobile.
To do this, we open the app on the old mobile and tap on the menu button to enter Settings. Once there, we choose the Chats option and then we select the Backup option. This will show us a screen that indicates the moment of the last copy made by the app itself automatically and other settings, such as the frequency with which the copy is made, associated account, if we only want it to be done when we are connected to wifi and if we want the backup to include or not the videos shared through the app.
If we click on the Save button, the process that generates a backup copy of WhatsApp with all messages sent and received up to that moment will automatically start. Once finished, we can remove the SIM card from our old mobile, insert it in the new one, turn it on and go to Google Play or the Apple Store to install WhatsApp.
As you may already know, the WhatsApp account is associated with our phone number and it is necessary to be able to receive calls or SMS to be able to activate our account, hence it is necessary to have the SIM of our number in the new smartphone.
Once we start the installation of WhatsApp, we must pay close attention and follow the steps that are requested. At the moment in which we are asked if we want to recover a backup copy of our messages, we must indicate yes and select the backup we just made on the old mobile.
It is important that we look at the backup creation date to ensure that we do not lose any messages. We wait for WhatsApp to restore the backup and we will have the messaging app just as we had it on the old mobile.
Also Read : WhatsApp – The Marketing Tool Of Mass Advertising